Reproduction training by AXCE REPRO

Techniciens en formation AXCE autour de tables prenant connaissance d'un manuel
AXCE places training at the center of its values in order to transmit its expertise to future users of its solutions. These trainings have been designed to deliver the keys to control the reproduction of the herd. They are aimed at cattle breeders who wish to inseminate their cows with the Eye Breed & Xtremia tools developed by AXCE Repro. The AXCE team also offers ultrasound training with ovarian reading. A good knowledge and preparation are essential for a successful reproduction, and the success of this reproduction is played before calving. Moreover, reproduction has a strong influence on the economic results of a farm, that’s why AXCE offers a high level of support and a post-training follow-up.

Our reproduction trainings are carried out by experts in the field who put their experience at the service of the trainees. Men and women who are pedagogical and who listen to the trainees in order to allow them to use our tools in complete autonomy.

The training courses alternate theory and practice to facilitate learning. Thus, the trainee can take in hand the tools and realize directly the gesture on his cows.

The organization of these sessions can be done alone, in duo or in groups (neighboring farmers) at your place if you have the resources (animals and rooms).

Deux formateurs Eye Breed présentant l'outil à des éléveurs devant ses vaches
Malette Eye Breed ouverte posée sur une table devant un cornadis rempli de vache charolaise

The conditions of the trainings are the insemination by the breeder with the help of Eye Breed or XtremiA.

These courses require a good knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of reproduction in cows in order to detect heat and determine the best time to inseminate.

For the XtremiA tool, notions of ultrasound reading and a mastery of reproduction monitoring on the farm are also important in order to maximize the genetic investments made by the breeder.

The trainee must be declared to his or her departmental breeding establishment (EdE).

Training takes place directly on the farm or at the AXCE site in Migennes.

The trainers :

Photo de Clément GOUBY formateur AXCE Eye Breed - XtremiA - échographes

Clément GOUBY

With 35 years as an inseminator and 10 years as an IPE trainer, he knows ultrasound as well as Eye Breed and XtremiA, both of which he helped develop!

Photo de Romain LEFEVRE formateur AXCE Eye Breed - XtremiA - échographes


Inseminator and repro technician for more than 10 years, daily user of XtremiA and ultrasound scanners. He also participated in the development of the Eye Breed!

Laurent Mansot formateur AXCE

Laurent MANSOT

Inseminator and technician following repro for more than 30 years, daily user of XtremiA since its beginnings. He also participated in the development of the deep AI tool!

Training assistance: Do not hesitate to contact us for more information on how VIVEA can pay for your training.


  • Prise en main de l’Eye Breed et utilisation en conditions réelles
  • Manipulation et décongélation des doses
  • Timing à l’IA et management de l’insémination

Pré-requis : Aucun

Matériel remis : Kit Eye Breed

Durée : ½ journée

Lieux : A domicile ou sur Migennes dans le cadre de formations de groupes

  • Découverte et manipulation d’XtremiA (montage/ démontage – utilisation sur animaux)
  • Échographies afin de déterminer l’aptitude de la femelle à être inséminée
  • Intérêts de l’IA Profonde : sur quels animaux positionner cette technique ?

Pré-requis : 

      – Maîtriser le geste de l’IA Classique

      – Avoir les bases de l’échographie et de l’identification ovarienne

Matériel remis : 

      – Atlas ovarien XtremiA

      – Kit XtremiA

Durée : 2 jours

Lieux : A domicile ou sur Migennes dans le cadre de formations de groupes

  • Initiation à la récolte d’embryons
  • Traitement et mise en paillette de l’embryon
  • Décongélation et préparation de l’embryon à la repose
  • Dépose de l’embryon avec XtremET

Pré-requis : 

      – Maîtriser la cathétérisation du col utérin bovin

      – Avoir les bases de l’échographie

Lieux : A domicile ou sur Migennes dans le cadre de formations de groupes

  • Manipulation de l’échographe
  • Formation aux constats de gestation
  • Formation possible aux échographies ovariennes

Prérequis : Maitrise des constats de gestation

Lieux : A domicile ou sur Migennes dans le cadre de formations de groupes
